Pearls Just In Time for June
June 2023
The Girl With the Pearl Everything
Too much of a good thing? Never heard of it. In honor of June's birthstone, we're shining a light on one of the most luminous gems around: Pearls.

Tahitian pearls range in color from creamy grey to iridescent green or even black, so each pair of Jeweled Huggies is a one-of-a-kind match.
Pearls have been impressiveever since they landed on the sceneduring the New Stone Age.Sought out by treasure hunters,coveted by nobility,and the only gemstone made by a living organism,their allure will never lose its luster.

Hand-strung strands of the finest Akoya pearls come together in our Pearl Tassel Necklace for a modern take on a vintage style.

Your favorite fine jewelry elements - stunning precious metal and luminous gems - in one pair of South Sea and Akoya Pearl Jeweled Huggies.

Pearls of every size lend their beauty to our rings, from gorgeous Pearl Gumballs to one-of-a-kind studded styles.